Otodynamics Ltd

T8M TEOAE Probe Tip

T8M TEOAE Probe Tip

Product Code : A90-05-2-0

Order Code : T-T8M   

Product features
Fits ~8.5mm ear canal, suitable for infants and small adult ears.
The T8M probe tip may be used with UGS, ECP or SGS probes for TEOAE testing. This size is appropriate for infants and small adult ears.

The accurate recording of OAEs is dependant on a good probe seal. As ear canals vary greatly in size, Otodynamics offers a wide range of single use tips for optimum fit.

The advanced design and materials used in manufacture ensure maximum patient comfort and an effective probe seal. Tips are designed for single use to prevent cross contamination. Cleaning of tips for re-use is not recommended. This may result in cleaning fluid being transferred to the probe. The probe may become contaminated or damaged if exposed to excessive fluid contact.

NB:  Otodynamics probe tips are latex-free