About Otodynamics Ltd
Otodynamics Ltd. pioneered OAE screening 25 years ago and sells a wide range of OAE screening and diagnostic instruments.
In a world where global organisations absorb specialist companies without trace, it's good to know that Otodynamics remains a successful, privately owned and managed British company, founded by the discoverer of otoacoustic emissions - David Kemp.
It's also good to know that Otodynamics makes in-house research and development its top priority.
Otodynamics′ latest products are totally designed by its own team of engineers and scientists, led by the originators and pioneers of OAE technology with up to 30 years' experience in the field.
When you buy instruments from Otodynamics, you can be confident of a first class innovative product and first class support.

Otodynamics Ltd
30-38 Beaconsfield Rd
Hatfield, Herts
AL10 8BB, UK
30-38 Beaconsfield Rd
Hatfield, Herts
AL10 8BB, UK
UK Head Office: +44 1707 267540
USA Office: 1 800 659 7776
Fax: +44 1707 262327
USA Office: 1 800 659 7776
Fax: +44 1707 262327
Registered in England
Company No: 2289571
VAT No: GB 539 9876 66
FDA Regn: 8021990
Producer Reg No: WEE/BF0358QU