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Newborn Screening
Universal Newborn Hearing Screening is carried out to identify potential hearing losses within hours of birth. Otodynamics is a major supplier to the UK National Newborn Hearing Screening Programme. Our products are extensively used in screening programmes throughout the world.
Otodynamics offers a choice of PC based and handheld devices, with solutions for simple, intuitive screening or for co-ordinated UNHS programmes.
Otodynamics offers a choice of PC based and handheld devices, with solutions for simple, intuitive screening or for co-ordinated UNHS programmes.
Otodynamics Ltd
30-38 Beaconsfield Rd
Hatfield, Herts
AL10 8BB, UK
30-38 Beaconsfield Rd
Hatfield, Herts
AL10 8BB, UK
UK Head Office: +44 1707 267540
USA Office: 1 800 659 7776
Fax: +44 1707 262327
USA Office: 1 800 659 7776
Fax: +44 1707 262327
Registered in England
Company No: 2289571
VAT No: GB 539 9876 66
FDA Regn: 8021990
Producer Reg No: WEE/BF0358QU